Vegetable Beds

Getting Greener!

The other thing we’ve been working on over the past month is our walled garden.  We’ve always lusted after one and now we have created one…  And we’re proud of it – even if it is only a miniature one. I think it’s the walled garden with the best view.

An added bonus is that things are growing too!  We had our first lettuce leaves and radishes from there the other day & they were crunchy and peppery – not like the watery tasteless ones from the supermarket.  Plus I can just open the kitchen door and pick fresh herbs or mint as I need it.  I know that’s not a lot but for us novices it’s very exciting.

There is already a plan for its expansion including a greenhouse, compost bins and more veggie beds…

My brother’s influence with his compost book & business in Bali, Kompos Bali, is finally rubbing off!

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